erol[dot]ozgur[at]sigma-clermont[dot]fr                     Vacancy


Journal Papers

LARLUS: Laparoscopic Augmented Reality from Laparoscopic Ultrasound
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, (IJCARS-IPCAI) 2024.   pdf   video
M. M. Kalantari, E. Ozgur, M. Alkhatib, E. Buc, B. Le Roy, R. Modrzejewski, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli.
Lattice-Based Shape Tracking and Servoing of Elastic Objects
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 40, pp. 364-381, (TRO-ICRA) 2024.   pdf  
M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, Y. Mezouar, E. Ozgur.
ROBUSfT: Robust Real-Time Shape-from-Template, a C++ Library
Image and Vision Computing, vol. 141, 2024.   pdf  
M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli.
Kinematic screws and dual quaternion based motion controllers
Control Engineering Practice, 2022.   pdf   video
H. Abaunza, R. Chandra, E.Ozgur, J.A. Corrales, Y. Mezouar.
As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Servoing
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (RAL-ICRA) 2022.   pdf   video
M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, Y. Mezouar, E.Ozgur.
A Case Series Study of Augmented Reality in Liver Laparoscopic Resection with a Deformable Preoperative Model
Surgical Endoscopy, 2020.   pdf  
B. Le Roy, M. Abdallah, Y. Espinel, L. Calvet, B. Pereira, E. Ozgur, D. Pezet, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.
Combining Visual Cues with Interactions for 3D-2D Registration in Liver Laparoscopy
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 1712-1727, 2020.   pdf  
Y. Espinel, E. Ozgur, L. Calvet, B. Le Roy, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.
Augmented Reality Guidance in Laparoscopic Hepatectomy with Deformable Semi-automatic Computed Tomography Alignment
Journal of Visceral Surgery, 2019.   pdf   video
B. Le Roy, E. Ozgur, B. Koo, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.
Preoperative Liver Registration for Augmented Monocular Laparoscopy using Backward-Forward Biomechanical Simulation
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2018.   pdf
E. Ozgur, B. Koo, B. Le Roy, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.
Parking Objects by Pushing using Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
Autonomous Robots, 2018.   pdf   video1   video2
G. Lopez-Nicolas, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar.
Preliminary Trial of Augmented Reality Performed on a Laparoscopic Left Hepatectomy
Surgical Endoscopy, 2017.   pdf
P. Phutane, E. Buc, K. Poirot, E. Ozgur, D. Pezet, A. Bartoli, B. Le Roy.
A Study on Dexterous Grasps via Parallel Manipulation Analogy
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 87, Issue 1, pp. 3-14, 2017.   pdf
E. Ozgur, G. Gogu, Y. Mezouar.
Particle-SfT: a Provably-Convergent, Fast Shape-from-Template Algorithm
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 123, Issue 2, pp. 184-205, 2017.   pdf
E. Ozgur, A. Bartoli.
Minimal Representation for the Control of Parallel Robots via Leg Observation
Considering a Hidden Robot Model

Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 106, pp. 115-147, 2016.   pdf
S. Briot, V. Rosenzveig, P. Martinet, E. Ozgur, N. Bouton.
Kinematic Modeling and Control of a Robot Arm using Unit Dual Quaternions
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 77, pp. 66-73, 2016.   pdf   code (matlab/octave)
E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar.
Linear Dynamic Modeling of Parallel Kinematic Manipulators from Observable Kinematic Elements
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 69, pp. 73-89, 2013.   pdf
E. Ozgur, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.
3D Object Recognition using Invariants of 2D Projection Curves
Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 451-468, 2010.   pdf
M. Unel, O. Soldea, E. Ozgur, A. Bassa.

Conference Papers

Reconstructing Spheres by Fitting Planes
E. Ozgur, M. Alkhatib, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli.    BMVC 2024.   pdf  
LARLUS: Laparoscopic Augmented Reality from Laparoscopic Ultrasound
M. M. Kalantari, E. Ozgur, M. Alkhatib, E. Buc, B. Le Roy, R. Modrzejewski, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli.    IPCAI 2024.   pdf   video
Lattice-Based Shape Tracking and Servoing of Elastic Objects
M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, Y. Mezouar, E. Ozgur.   TRO-ICRA 2024.   pdf  
Markerless Ultrasound Probe Pose Estimation in Mini-Invasive Surgery
M.M. Kalantari, E. Ozgur, M. Alkhatib, E. Buc, B. Le Roy, R. Modrzejewski, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli.
ICRA 2024.   pdf   video
Offline Reinforcement Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects from Limited Real Data
R. Laezza, M. Shetab-Bushehri, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar, Y. Karayiannidis. 3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects, ICRA 2023.   pdf  
Optimal Shape Servoing with Task-focused Convergence Constraints
V. Giraud, M. Padrin, M. Shetab-Bushehri, C. Bouzgarrou, Y. Mezouar, E.Ozgur.    IROS 2022.   pdf   video
As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Servoing
M. Shetab-Bushehri, M. Aranda, Y. Mezouar, E.Ozgur.    RAL-ICRA 2022.   pdf   video
Monocular Visual Shape Tracking and Servoing for Isometrically Deforming Objects
M. Aranda, J. A. Corrales, Y. Mezouar, A. Bartoli, E. Ozgur.    IROS 2020.   pdf  video
Combining Visual Cues and Interactions for 3D-2D Registration in Liver Laparoscopy
Y. Espinel, E. Ozgur, L. Calvet, B. Le Roy, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.    IPCAI 2019.   pdf
Visualizing In-Organ Tumors in Augmented Monocular Laparoscopy
E. Ozgur, A. Lafont, A. Bartoli.    ISMAR 2017.   pdf   video
Deformable Registration of a Preoperative 3D Liver Volume to a Laparoscopy Image
using Contour and Shading Cues

B. Koo, E. Ozgur, B. Le Roy, E. Buc, A. Bartoli.    MICCAI 2017.   pdf
A Perspective on Non-Isometric Shape-from-Template
A. Bartoli, E. Ozgur.    ISMAR 2016.   pdf
Image-Based Control of Two Mobile Robots for Object Pushing
G. Lopez-Nicolas, E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar.    IROS 2015.   pdf
Structural Synthesis of Dexterous Hands
E. Ozgur, G. Gogu, Y. Mezouar.    IROS 2014.   pdf
A Vision-Based Generic Dynamic Model of PKMs and its Experimental
Validation on the Quattro Parallel Robot

E. Ozgur, R. Dahmouche, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.    AIM 2014.   pdf
Control-Based Synthesis and Tracking of Grasping Points
E. Ozgur, Y. Mezouar, G. Gogu.    ECC 2014.   pdf
A Method for Simplifying the Analysis of Leg-Based Visual Servoing of Parallel Robots
V. Rosenzveig, S. Briot, P. Martinet, E. Ozgur, N. Bouton.    ICRA 2014.   pdf
High Speed Parallel Kinematic Manipulator State Estimation from Legs Observation
E. Ozgur, R. Dahmouche, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.    IROS 2013.   pdf
Dynamic Control of the Quattro Robot by the Leg Edgels
E. Ozgur, N. Bouton, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.    ICRA 2011.   pdf
Vector-Based Dynamic Modeling and Control of the Quattro Parallel Robot by means of Leg Orientations
E. Ozgur, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.    ICRA 2010.   pdf
On the Adequation of Dynamic Modeling and Control of Parallel Kinematic Manipulators
E. Ozgur, N. Andreff, P. Martinet.    IMSD 2010.   pdf
Evolving Implicit Polynomial Interfaces
E. Ozgur, M. Unel, H. Erdogan, A. Ercil.    BMVC 2008.   pdf
Lip Segmentation Using Adaptive Color Space Training
E. Ozgur, B. Yilmaz, H. Karabalkan, H. Erdogan, M. Unel.    AVSP 2008.   pdf
A Comparative Study of Conventional Visual Servoing Schemes in Microsystem Applications
H. Bilen, M. A. Hocaoglu, E. Ozgur, M. Unel.    IROS 2007.   pdf
Positioning and Trajectory Following Tasks in Microsystems Using Model Free Visual Servoing
E. Ozgur, M. Unel.    IECON 2007.   pdf
Image Based Visual Servoing Using Bitangent Points Applied to Planar Shape Alignment
E. Ozgur, M. Unel.    RA 2007.   pdf
A Fast Algorithm for Vision-Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Robot Control
A. Malima, E. Ozgur, M. Cetin.    SIU 2006.   pdf


From Lines to Dynamics of Parallel Robots
E. Ozgur.   These de Doctorat, Universite Blaise Pascal, France, 2012.  pdf

Conference Abbreviations

IPCAI   International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions
MICCAI   International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
ISMAR   IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
BMVC   British Machine Vision Conference
IROS   IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
ICRA   IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
ECC   European Control Conference
AIM   IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
IMSD   International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics
AVSP   International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
IECON   IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics
RA   IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications
SIU   IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications